Monday 15 February 2010

Why im gay

1: im scared of women
2: ive never had sex, with a women but i have with a man
3: i dont fancy women, but i fancy men
4: i play in a part time pub band, my fellow band mates are gay
5: my dad, john jo perry snr, has turned gay after my mummy dumped him as he has no dick, so naturally im following in his footsteps and am gay
6: my brother, thomas, is also gay
7: im that ugly no female would ever fancy me anyways, so i thought " fuck it" and decided to be gay
8: i have horrible long greasy hairy, fuck off sized big buck teeth, and where horrible thick rimmed glasses.
9: my flatmate, paul, is gay, yes yes i have had a sexuall relashionship with him.
10: im a dwarf, born in liverpool, now living in bristol, hense why im gay.